Chapter 218: The Inescapable Name

Famous people can have their moment of fame, but most are like meteors, their brilliance is short-lived, commonly known as being passé.

Truly great people can illuminate an era; their influence enduring, they will be remembered by the world even after their death, their influence transcending the ages, lasting for millennia.

Five years after Harrison Clark's "death", in 2128, another group of people from all over the world arrived in Oxfordshire and gathered at the now-abandoned old site of the Summit Research Institute, pooling their efforts to rebuild the Institute.

These people were anything but insignificant; most had made achievements in various fields.

Their purpose for coming here was to rebuild the Summit Research Institute.

At the time, these people merely wanted to inherit Harrison Clark's will, learn from his courageous spirit of never-ending exploration, and emulate his seemingly wayward but in fact fearless and selfless character.