Chapter 219: Digging Your Own Grave_3

Perhaps this was Avril Green's true strength after breaking free from her shackles.

The stronger the past suppression, the more wild the power that bursts forth when the ropes were broken.

Maybe she just needed such a decisive opportunity to transform.

She waited for six lifetimes and didn't get it. In the seventh lifetime, Harrison Clark gave it to her.


At dusk, the intense sun of Mars was particularly dazzling, and even with the protective energy field, Nora Camp's room still glowed like it was bathed in flames.

The alloy door creaked, and Nora Camp walked in from outside.

She had a big smile on her face.

It seemed that today's recruitment of new soldiers had pleased her.

She sat in front of Harrison Clark, who was closing his eyes and gradually withdrawing his consciousness from history, waiting for a few minutes before speaking up when Harrison opened his eyes: "Aren't you going to ask me how things went?"