Chapter 222: You Naughty Child_2

And the scholars at the Titan Institute also believe that as long as the equipment's power is controlled more appropriately, those soldiers who are not as good as Harrison Clark can also enjoy the strong power brought by the Pseudo-Curvature Engine.

Equipping Harrison Clark first is also to prepare for the data collection of the overall equipment upgrade and replacement.

Harrison Clark is working hard, just like a guinea pig.

This is not really a reward but for conveniently sending Harrison Clark to more dangerous places to complete more dangerous tasks.

For example, if Harrison Clark had erupted in strength earlier and the Titan Institute had offered equipment that met the theoretical performance of the Enhanced Eagle Strike Armor earlier, he could have completed the Chip Attack alone without a scratch.

There would be no need to pay such a huge price.

But what's gone is gone, and the result is still pleasing in the end.