Chapter 229: Unexpected Changes【Extra】_2

The chain shield in front of him emitted bizarre ripples, like a cracked glass jar about to be smashed.

Daniel Thompson desperately tried to dodge, but it was useless. The ones blocking him in front had already been annihilated, and no matter how he tried to flee, he was always locked on.

At least 500 war beasts had targeted him now; there was no way out.

Harrison Clark noticed the situation and wanted to help, but it was impossible. Even Harrison's ultimate battle armor couldn't charge in front of such firepower and help him withstand the damage.

A calm smile spread across Lion's face as he pointed at Chen Feng and cursed, "F**k you, dumbass! If you don't eventually escape, I'll die a pointless death!"

Harrison Clark: "..."

Daniel Thompson laughed again, "Well, being valued like this, I'll die with dignity. I am worthy of the title of the strongest human instructor!"