Chapter 230: Information Shock and Brief Respite_2

Bernal Connor wanted to stop him, but Nora Camp held him back.

"Let him rest for a while, he lost a lot of friends today."

Bernal clenched his teeth, "But he doesn't look sad!"

"Maybe he's just seen too much. Don't you think his eyes look weary?"

Bernal pointed at his own eyes, "As weary as a 170-year-old man's?"

Nora hesitated for a moment, "Maybe... about the same."

"Damn it, he must know something we don't. The Titan Institute is humanity's strongest scientific force, he should not only seek our help but actively help us!"

"Maybe he has his own plans. I trust him implicitly, blindly."

Nora said with a smile.

Mr. Connor stormed away in anger.

He was helpless against this couple.

The United Fleet returned to Mars Base, and as they flew over Mars, they could see devastation everywhere on the surface.

There were downed mobile building ships everywhere.

Thick smoke from burning structures filled the air.

Dead bodies were scattered all over.