Chapter 246: In the Name of Justice, Committing the Act of Concealment and Shelter_3

In the past hundred years, during the wars instigated by the stars, the population has been drastically reduced from 20 billion to 7 billion, down by 13 billion, meaning that the number of deaths due to the wars must be at least double or triple this figure.

However, the people who perished before were strangers to Harrison Clark, although it pained him; their deaths were still just cold, distant numbers to him.

But this time...

Daniel Thompson, Marthus, Oliver Yeoman, other comrades from the Special Action Squadron, Felix Yeoman, squadron leader of the Gale Vertical Team, Captain Gaius of the Caesar Squadron...

Now, he might have to add Needham Brown and Mitchell to the list.

When the fallen are no longer just numbers, but familiar names, Harrison Clark can no longer remain detached.

Yet, he has to hide the culprits he created for his next goal.

Good and evil are no longer distinguishable.