Chapter 248: Lies Exposed_1

Perhaps his emotional ups and downs disturbed the sleeping Star, or maybe she had completed her self-reconstruction.

A voice suddenly rang in Harrison Clark's mind, "Yes, your gene awakening level has increased once again."

"Because you're performing quantum calculations next to my brain?"

Star: "Maybe, right?"

Well, even she couldn't be sure.

Harrison thought for a moment, "Change your voice first. Although I like hearing Carrie Thomas's voice, you must differentiate yourself from her. Choose a new tone."

"Nora Camp's? Avril Green's? Lucy Haywood's? Leah Clark's? Katie Swift's?"

Harrison thought for a moment, "Can't you create a completely unique voice just for you?"

"I'll try."

Perhaps only 0.01 seconds had passed, and Star's voice changed again.

"Is this better? Do you like it?"

Harrison shuddered involuntarily.

It was very familiar.