Chapter 260: The Final Assault_1

The K6 Main Cannon rays arrived first, but when they came within 100,000 kilometers of the enemy ship, the millions of deep blue beams seemed to be fiercely seized by a god-like power, twisted in other directions, brushed past the warship, and radiated into the depths of the universe before being quietly swallowed by the Solar System Barrier.

The high-speed gamma-ray blast Missiles came next but detonated prematurely.

In the detectors on our side, one could see the terrifying simulation of the spreading gamma radiation clouds, seemingly about to engulf the enemy warship.

However, these radiation clouds, which could penetrate everything, were still pushed apart by an invisible force.

Following, the composite fission bombs and Dongfeng 199 arrived one after another, with no difference in outcome from before; they simply could not hit their targets and were all diverted away.

If this had been the past timeline, the commanders would have been shattered by this terrifying scene.