Chapter 261: Ultra-High Frequency Oscillator_1

As one combat unit after another exhausted their ammunition and continued to converge, the repulsion field's power increased further.

The speed of the human combat units' advance suddenly dropped sharply.

One combat unit after another, along with gunfire, collided with the invisible force-field wall almost simultaneously, lighting up half of the enemy spherical warship as large as the Moon.

But no one hesitated, as more and more combat units' gunfire or warships and fighter planes continued to hit the repulsion field, which slowly began to retreat.

It might have seemed like a long story, but it all happened within one or two seconds.

In these two seconds, humans lost more than 30 million warships and over 700 million soldiers.

Meanwhile, in the Technical Staff Department of the Commander's Flagship, Martha Owen stared intently at the monitor.

The monitor displayed real-time changes in the intensity of a specific frequency, the very Song of the Wilderness!