Chapter 266: Your Memory_2

More and more live ammunition leaked through the interception, like raindrops piercing the dense fog.

The Particle-interference Bomb failed to work at full capacity. The repulsion field was broken through by phase transition, the light barrier shattered due to the enemy's overdraft of energy and numerous heavy blows, electromagnetic interference was greatly constrained by the neutron shielding layer, the invisible Dragonfly Fighters were all shattered, the Space Collapse Dramatic Explosion Bomb was properly restrained by Nora Camp's perfect control, and the Murderous Microbes were slightly resolved by the Stellar Potion.

It seemed that the enemy ship had truly run out of tricks and could only rely on the dense fog, which was effective against energy weapons but powerless against live ammunition, to partially obscure its vision.

A thought that had never been thought of, nor dared to be thought of, gradually emerged in everyone's minds.

"Can we win?"