Chapter 275: Creating a Cosmic Wonder with One Hand_1

Harrison Clark wiped his face clean, looking much better. He then made a call for room service to deliver breakfast for ten.

While waiting for the breakfast, he sat in a beach chair on the curved balcony and made himself a cup of instant coffee. He propped his legs on the table, looked over at Carrie Thomas's bedroom window, and confirmed that the light was off.

Good, she learned her lesson and stopped staying up late.

He then turned his head to stare blankly at the rising sun in the distance, and his mind gradually began to ponder.

Everything was ready except the east wind.

It's do or die now.

If his actions this time are still perfect, he doesn't need to expect too much. Just push things forward a bit more, he could find at least two or three surefire strategies for human beings.

So this conclusion is crucial.

About two hours after breakfast, he sat up straight in the beach chair and pulled out his notebook to start jotting down notes.