Chapter 280: The Same Failure_2

The other party referred to him as a music producer, which had nothing to do with academia, and this was the second instance of their blatant gibberish.

Although the influence of "The Madman's Conjectures Collection" was still brewing, and without experimental proof, it didn't count for much, but everyone present should be smart enough to know the weight of this monograph.

Ignoring this identity of his, it was clear that it meant their specialties did not align, and they did not value his presence.

Harrison Clark didn't dawdle. After they were done talking, he immediately spoke up loudly, "Ladies and gentlemen, my purpose today is simple, and it's for my research assistant, Dr. Ryan Lai. I won't say anything like making things convenient for everyone. I'll do what needs to be done, I'll pay whatever it takes to buy out the last two months of Rainer's contract."