Chapter 287: Confused By The Situation_2

The three were so shocked that they were dumbstruck.


"You said?"

Charles Butler: "Mr. Clark, don't joke."

Harrison Clark laughed without speaking.

The other three gradually thought of Harrison's achievements, and with his wisdom, making such a judgment seemed reasonable.

However, if someone else said this, they might be sent to a mental hospital on the spot.

Harrison laughed, his laughter growing brighter. "You don't really think I'm naturally this generous, do you? If I hadn't analyzed and rigorously deduced that humanity is already in extreme danger, why would I be so magnanimous?"

"Why not let my country dominate alone, then harvest the world, and enjoy the easy life? I could live comfortably for the rest of my life. I could become the world's richest man in a few years. Then I could learn from your rich, throw spicy parties every night, and live a luxurious life unimaginable to ancient emperors. But I don't, why? Am I stupid? Do I really have no selfish motives?"