Chapter 290: Invisible Dominance_1

Harrison Clark went back to the PPT index page and pointed to the last two items, "Look, isn't it all here? Once we complete all the prerequisites, the carbon chip prototype will be available within six months at the latest. You can also see the requirements of quantum algorithms for chip computing power and characteristics..."

Harrison then jumped to the original last item, the core programming concept of quantum computers.

Rainer quickly skimmed through it.

After a long time, Rainer slowly calmed down and looked at Harrison's head with an incredibly shocked gaze.

What's going on inside your head?

Rainer became jealous.

He didn't know how Harrison built such a vast, perfect, and interconnected industrial progression in his mind.

What's even more outrageous is that this guy not only has a concept, but he has even accurately grasped the challenges of the entire industry structure and came up with viable ideas in his mind, only needing verification from Rainer himself.