Chapter 292: Letting Go Is Gaining_1

Although he had known that Across the Starry Sky would be the beginning of her artistic career, Harrison Clark didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

He thought of the impact this song had on Avril Green's life in the last timeline, feeling a bit emotional.

In three years, she would completely break from her family and take the path of a pioneering rock star, embarking on a life she otherwise wouldn't have.

In fact, she was already awakening, but it wouldn't be until three years later that she would break through and have a surge of creativity, going through many hardships and struggles in the process.

"I wrote another song for you this time. It's different from the style of Across the Starry Sky, but I think it suits your voice well," Harrison informed Avril.

Avril's interest piqued, she asked, "What's the song called?"

Harrison: "Continue in the Next Life."

Avril was stunned.

The most terrifying thing was the sudden silence in the air.