Chapter 300: The Return of the King

In the history of civilization, there have been many stories of collaboration passed down through the ages.

However, two top music artists, ranked among the top ten and top hundred, working together on a single song was unprecedented and unparalleled.

If this were to happen, it would surely become a famous anecdote that would be celebrated for thousands of years in the annals of art history.

At this moment, however, the two parties involved did not feel much emotion about it.

Although Carrie Thomas and Avril Green had learned from Harrison Clark's words that they would become very powerful in the future, neither of them were the type to be easily swayed.

Both of them were very calm, knowing that their future achievements were just that - in the future.

If they thought that by doing nothing now, they could achieve those future accomplishments, it would be nothing but a pipe dream.

Moreover, was that really their limit?

Couldn't they do better?