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The restraints on his body quickly retracted, and the jellyfish helmet detached from his head as Harrison Clark stood up weakly from the chair.

He was drenched in sweat, as if he had just gone through a tough battle.

He wiped the sweat off his forehead, not feeling any particularly noticeable changes in his body.

Thank goodness he didn't fail this time.

It seemed that his predecessor was too much of a salted fish, and it might also be that the time flow had locked his state, so as soon as his real body replaced it, his potential was restored immediately.

He clenched his fist.

This training was quite tricky, but it was indeed effective.

With 365 days left until the invaders' advent, as long as he persisted in training, and if his potential limit remained so high, he would have a chance to surpass Needham Brown once again.

Needham had been quite arrogant lately, and he needed to teach him a lesson.