Chapter 313: Music, Movies, Games_2

Although there were still many fraudulent "art films" on these platforms, there were also good ones that could fill one's appetite.

In any case, in 2025, Summit Ventures once again stepped onto the expressway of film and music development simultaneously.

The historic blockbuster of Summit Film Studio's first film, Across the Starry Sky, also brought about new changes for Harrison Clark.

No longer did Harrison need to rely on his reputation to attract famous directors and actors; rather, they actively sought him out.

With impeccable scripts, money, influence, access to both the Chinese and English markets, and the ability to assist directors with shot control and pacing...

Was there a better film producer in the world?


Directors thought that with Harrison's support, all they had to do was devote their full energy to their aesthetic skills, then they could at least earn a spot in the box office history list.

Why not take the opportunity?