Chapter 323: 34 Days Countdown to the College Entrance Examination [Extra update, thanks to the alliance master of the Cynical Egg]_1

After cursing his father for a full ten minutes, Master Chen accepted his fate.

Whether it's a blessing or a curse, it can't be avoided.

He couldn't just go confess to the child's mother that taking the true college entrance exam was making things hard for him and forcing her to lower the already announced standards.

Not to mention the loss of face he would face and the additional competitors it would bring, not to mention how he couldn't explain why a high school diploma was sufficient in the past, but now it's not enough at all.

Harrison Clark comforted himself that reading more books wouldn't hurt, and he would have to learn sooner or later anyway.

He decided to pick himself up, slowly open the detailed explanation of the science knowledge learning plan, and take a look at his personal record to see how his predecessor managed to graduate from high school.

Five minutes later.

He rubbed his eyes, which stung a bit.

Who's cutting onions?