Chapter 341: "Coincidence"_3

This time, the audience's ranks were lower, and their emotions were more easily swayed. Master Clark believed he could create another glorious moment.

"...Anyway, what I want to tell you is that the so-called creator of the new script is not me but the cosmic wisdom. What I want to express is..."

"Wait!" Just as Harrison Clark was speaking happily, he was interrupted.

A Lost One with a strong military demeanor stood up, "Captain Clark, I understand your thoughts personally, but you shouldn't try to raise our expectations by belittling the image of our sages."

"Yes! I admit my failure, but that's my own problem, not the problem of the sages!"

"We admire your courage to become a warrior, but we do not approve of your so-called cosmic wisdom!"

"Yes, we hope you can live up to your identity and not joke about the sages!"

Harrison Clark was fiercely criticized.

He was stunned.

He made a mistake.

The tried and tested soup for the soul had failed.