Chapter 344: The World is Sick_1

The Lost Warriors were stunned.

They silently looked at their Galaxy Battle Armor.

At this point, the Galaxy Battle Armor of the Lost Warriors had been suppressed to a level equivalent to the Drogon Armament.

Seeing how others wore the same equipment, and then comparing it to themselves, they felt ashamed.

A total embarrassment.

Meanwhile, as the aftershocks from Harrison Clark's battle continued to spread, the aerial traffic network immediately entered an emergency evasion mode.

Flying vehicles and ships passing by quickly changed their routes.

Aircraft and ships in the sky also activated their shields and quickly retreated.

This sky had become their battlefield.

Three minutes later, a shadow fell heavily from the sky, smashing into the ground and into the crater.

Another shadow, with sparks flickering, slowly descended from the sky.

Both the Lost Warriors and Amelia Johnson's team craned their necks to watch.