Chapter 346: Who Leaked the News?

Harrison Clark said stubbornly, "Since you wish for this, I naturally won't object."

Nora Camp: "Alright, let's settle on this."

Harrison Clark: "Ah... um, okay... alright."

He always felt like he missed something.

Hey, if I had just admitted that I wanted to do that thing, would she have agreed?


So sad, I missed a billion.

Seeing his deflated look, Nora Camp found it amusing and interesting.

War God Research Institute did give good advice after all.

Indeed, she shouldn't force herself to change her behavior; just teasing him like this, letting things take their natural course, she felt quite happy.

Maybe this is what it feels like to be in love?

"By the way, how is Teacher Amelia Johnson?"



Harrison Clark: "Big achievements! Bright prospects! Highly skilled!"

"Oh, alright then. See you."

Nora Camp waved and sat back down in her chair.

Well, she seemed to be kicking him out again.

Harrison Clark was at a loss with his hands, "Hey, why don't we..."