Chapter 352: I Desire to Transform into a Human, Embracing Death [Thank you to Deep Sea Brother's Third Alliance Leader!]_1

Harrison Clark shook his head firmly, "That's impossible. Let me tell you another secret. In my memory, you once had a complete personality, and you possessed real emotions, perhaps only for a brief moment, but it was true. When you truly 'see' my memory, you will understand everything."

Star: "I don't care, all my analysis and calculations point to one conclusion, you will kill me! You better give up!"

Harrison Clark shook his head resolutely, "If I can't get your real help, I will definitely fail in my mission, and my coming here would be meaningless. Death, then, is preferable."

After that, no matter what Star said, Harrison Clark ignored her and focused on driving Titan Defense Armor forward.

To avoid being taken over by Star, he even turned off Intelligent Mode and switched to purely manual control.

He also followed Needham Brown's actions, located the communication center of Titan Armor, and crushed it.