Chapter 358: The Nine Major Theses and the Lurking Black Hole_1

After posting the article, Harrison Clark continued to act nonchalantly, waiting for others' responses.

Half an hour later, he suddenly received a notification and his eyes lit up.

A pleasant surprise was coming.

In the previous timeline, the collection of papers Star left for him covered nine major sections.

The simplest first section was a complete particle-interference bomb manufacturing and detonation scheme, which had already been completed by Quincy Campbell.

This time, humanity's technology level in material science had surpassed the previous timeline, and the achievements that had once cost the lives of countless Blank Ones were now clearly laid out.

The second section was about human gene revival technology, which Chen Feng had already included in the "Madman's Conjectures Collection" series of books, and now manifested in the form of a brainwave synchronized resonance training device.