Chapter 375: Summit Colossus and Planning_2

To put the specific manifestation of hidden injuries in the human body in a simpler way, for example, the ubiquitous capillaries in the human body.

These capillaries are constantly damaged and repaired during intense physical activities.

However, at a certain level of hidden injuries, the capillaries become particularly fragile, and a simple movement may cause a blood vessel to burst.

This is just one aspect of it.

Hidden injuries are everywhere.

If not taken seriously, the injuries will keep on erupting and the treatment device will not be able to cope.

Harrison Clark's earlier injection of the rapid recovery agent was not for healing.

The so-called rapid recovery is actually activating the body's metabolic circulation in an extremely short time, shortening the break-in period of new cells.

In normal treatment, it would be treated on a medical platform with simulated gravity environment, using finely controlled radiation to slowly accelerate the metabolic circulation.