Chapter 377: Chain of Schemes_1

The best outcome for these fleets was to collide head-on with the spherical battleship, using their main bodies to hold back the spherical battleship.

The most unfortunate outcome would be to be swallowed up by black hole bombs or other means of the enemy during the process of converging and approaching.

In any case, all 13 billion newcomers to the battlefield were mentally prepared for mutual destruction.

The Different Paths, Same Destination plan changed the battlefield environment, and the three-minute deadlock time previously judged by Star was no longer accurate, managing to buy another minute.

Two minutes passed, and with one warship after another being either passively struck or actively rammed, the spherical battleship's speed kept slowing down, gradually being suppressed to below one-sixth of the speed of light.

The Different Paths, Same Destination plan was declared a huge success.

Everything was within calculations.