Chapter 378: The End That Is Not the End_2

He ruled out an answer that he had already guessed was incorrect.

The Compound-Eyed Observer wasn't invading the Solar System to obtain Earth.

There was no need.

With technology advanced to this level, unless it was an extreme scenario on a special planet, most of the solid planets in the Milky Way could be transformed into habitable planets.

He looked at the map.

The interior of the prismatic structure was filled with regular channels and one hexagonal grid room after another, large and small. It was like a beehive on Earth, befitting the Compound-Eyed Observer's huge eyes.

Victory was in sight, but Harrison Clark would not be careless.

He began to walk steadily along the pipes toward the central room, where the life signatures of thirteen beings had gathered.

Star controlled the combined detector to examine each room's internal environment and settings one by one.

"I have a piece of good news and a piece of bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"The good one."