Chapter 379: The Centipede Doesn't Stiffen Even In Death _3

"Yeah, of course." Nora Camp nodded.

"It's not time to relax yet. The Solar Dome is still there. Stay focused."

"Alright, let's have another game after we wake up."

"No problem."

The two fell into a deep sleep.

For humans, the fastest rate of physical and mental recovery occurs during sleep, and it has been so since ancient times.

About eight hours later, Harrison Clark was woken up in a daze by "someone."

He reluctantly opened his eyes, his eyelids heavy as if weighed down by lead balls.

This was the result of his previous use of a quick recovery potion and the excessive demands on his unhealed body.

Medical personnel weren't joking with him. By conventional understanding, it would take him several months of recuperation to fully recover.

Getting a new body was useless; his brain couldn't be replaced, and a cranial hemorrhage would still be fatal.