Chapter 383: The Ant Colony, The Prodigal Returns【7300 words】_1

At this point, the quantum information monitoring network of humanity had just been rebuilt and was undergoing debugging, capable of scanning a range of one-third light years.

When the movements of the Edge Ship Fleet were detected, they were less than a quarter light-year away from the edge of the Solar System.

Unlike the Spherical Battleships, which appeared abruptly across space, they revealed their forms early in the universe and jumped forward along the curvature gravity line network bit by bit.

This type of jumping can be named medium-range warp, with each jump propeling them approximately 0.005 light-years and occurring once every second on average.

So the Edge Ship Fleet would reach the edge of the Solar Dome in about 50 seconds.

Within these 50 seconds, Harrison Clark reintegrated the Summit Colossus's control and capabilities while his brain raced with thoughts.

He tried his best to empty his mind and maintain absolute calm, but he couldn't.