Chapter 384: Past Events of the Milky Way Galaxy (6100 words combined into 1)_2

They immersed the core metal material used in the manufacture of engines in a special force field for decades, modifying it constantly, resulting in a drastic improvement in engine performance.

Barnard's Star Fleet's propulsion system is slightly inferior, roughly on par with the Solar Fleet, but its energy weapons are more powerful.

Distinct from the phase particles and high-energy rays of the Solar Fleet, Barnard's Star battleships' main guns emit a special energy called Austrian Rays, which have much greater penetration and destructive power than high-energy rays and phase particles and can travel at 1.5 times the speed of light.

The Barnard's Star scientists' ability to develop the Austrian Cannon relied on a large meteorite in the Barnard's Star System.

A natural ore in the meteorite can be mined to extract Austrian Isotope 305.

When ordinary high-energy rays are used to irradiate Austrian Isotope 305, Austrian Rays are stimulated.