Chapter 384: Past Events of the Milky Way Galaxy (6100 words combined into 1)_4

So, the theoretical facts should be as follows.

Voyager 2 traveled through the tunnel constructed by the dark energy black hole for 500 years, reaching the doorstep of a higher civilization.

This advanced civilization might be the creator of the Solar Barrier, or it might not be.

There's another possibility- the Solar Barrier and the electron-level dark energy black hole are both means acquired by the Compound-Eyed Observer from a higher civilization.

Then, by analyzing the characteristics of the Voyager spacecraft and deciphering the information within, the traits, technological development trajectory, and amazing potential of humanity were exposed.

The next moment, the Compound Eye civilization activated its highest-level ruling tool - the Solar Barrier, completing rapid deployment, while simultaneously dispatching targeted military forces, including the previous seven spherical battleships, and this time, the spherical warship and triangular warship fleets.