Chapter 386: Lonely and Futile Efforts_1

Since the war began until now.

Harrison Clark had been watching his comrades continually die.

He tried hard to remain calm.

He began to use numbers to summarize the fate of his comrades.

Because he knew that he had no qualifications to cherish their memories, nor the time to wallow in sorrow.

He had to face the situation with a relatively indifferent mentality, which he basically achieved.

But it was difficult, whenever he saw those indifferent numbers, he couldn't help but imagine the names and faces behind them.

Although he could always move forward fearlessly, there were still so many people he was familiar with.

When hearing "Never Walk Alone," he still thought of the tombstones of Carrie Thomas, Avril Green, and others, and also thought of how he died alone in the universe because he couldn't find Voyager 2.

In this war, he experienced a new despair on the White Giant Cocoon and the Blade Mantis.

He had tried his best, doing everything he could.