Chapter 388: Suddenly Wanting to Lie Down and Do Nothing_1

May 26, 2020, 10 a.m., Oxfordshire.

Harrison Clark opened his eyes, his body still aching, as if he had been beaten.

He waited for about ten more minutes, and the intense pain slowly subsided.

He tried to move his fingers. No problem, they could move.

He began to sense the external environment and took a brief look at the room.

Familiar apartment room, familiar curtains, familiar sheets, and familiar smell.

The familiar wall clock's second hand was still ticking away.

The sunlight outside the window seemed brighter than usual when he woke up.

Harrison thought it might be an illusion due to his improved mood, making everything seem more radiant.

Harrison took a deep breath.

Self-destruction success.

He didn't screw it up.


He grinned, his lips curling into a smirk.

Ironically, the fragile human body in this situation became an incredible advantage.

As long as one wasn't instantly frozen to a near standstill, it's much easier to die than to stay alive for a human.