Chapter 388: Suddenly Wanting to Give Up and Be a Salted Fish_3

About half an hour later, Harrison Clark finished summarizing his thoughts and picked up a pen and paper to plan his actions after returning this time.

He first recalled the "Planning" that Star had transmitted to him in his mind.

Having been in a state of constant tension and anxiety due to the war, he hadn't even looked at the full name of "Planning."

Now he knew that the full name was "500 Years of Human Civilization Development."

Another couple of hours passed.

He began to hiss in his mouth.

What the hell!

They really know how to play this game.

These people are so ruthless!

Can it really be played like this?

He stared blankly at the dense text and patterns in his memory, expressing his complex emotions.

Compared to the huge and perfect plan brought out by these professionals, his past reliance on wits and tricks was nothing.

Can the development of civilization really be arranged like this?