Chapter 392: Quantum Thinking and Intuition_1

Having a good laugh at Fatty, Harrison Clark felt great.

As a result, Rainer at the side also revealed a knowing smile.

Ward Owen wasn't really a waste of space; he had quite a talent for singing.

As for other aspects, that was truly up for debate.

Harrison Clark found it quite strange.

That's because Fatty only appeared dumb on the surface, but his brain was actually quite functional. When dealing with Eric Mitchell back then, Fatty's underhanded tactics impressed Harrison Clark quite a bit. But for some reason, Fatty just couldn't get things done.

Maybe it's destiny that his whole life's fortune was exhausted at the starting line others ended on.

Perhaps fate played its part here.

Ignoring Fatty, Harrison Clark resumed chatting with Rainer.

They first talked about the recent state of the Summit Research Institute.

"None of those people came looking for trouble, right?"