Chapter 400: Unintentional Radiance, Ten Thousand Feet (5677 words, seeking monthly votes)_2

He spoke humbly and modestly, but those who heard him couldn't help but feel that something was off.

Just then, a worker in a white coat burst out from inside, running and yelling, "Doctor Mendelson! We've found the theoretical basis for analyzing the spaceship's material in The Madman's Conjectures Collection 3.0! The self-repair capability of the spaceship is based on the Unified Force Theory, which is a quantum material science with mass-energy conversion abilities. Uh..."

The excited worker realized that the atmosphere was wrong and that there was an outsider present, so he awkwardly closed his mouth.

Wait a minute...

This outsider is...


The worker covered his mouth, his face a mix of shock, joy, and nerves.

Yes, Harrison Clark released the Madman's Conjecture Collection 3.0 just yesterday before leaving.

He just couldn't sit still.

Anyway, in the eighth timeline, he had done this around the same time this month.