Chapter 401: Let the Professional Me Handle It_1

God knows how large this Area 52 underground base actually is as the elevator took another full five minutes before it finally stopped.

When the elevator doors opened this time, the world that appeared before Harrison Clark had an entirely different flavor.

In the middle of the spacious arc-shaped metal dome hall, there was a twin-screw vessel.

Under the bright lights, the streamlined-shaped twin-screw vessel glistened.

The ship was called wreckage, but its exterior was not damaged, and it looked as new as ever.

The shape of the ship resembled a sailboat with two supporting floats on each side.

There was a cylindrical engine on each side, looking like two torpedoes.

The engines were thirty-three meters long and in a closed structure, without any turbines inside.

Harrison Clark was very familiar with the structural principles of these engines.

The first half of the cylinder was a force field generator.