Chapter 404: Rewind and Fast Forward_1

Harrison Clark stayed in Boston for seven days, mainly visiting various universities as a visiting scholar, interacting with different professors and outstanding students.

When he found the right opportunity, he would also occasionally go on stage to say a few words, as if to encourage his juniors.

Of course, Harrison Clark wouldn't just aimlessly move about. He secretly observed candidates, handed out business cards, left contact information, and laid the groundwork for his upcoming plans.

With his current memory, he wasn't afraid of forgetting the names of many acquaintances.

He was able to match names and faces with ease, and the other person's life story would automatically play out in his mind. At the same time, he would deduce the possible future of the other person's life according to "Planning".

After finishing his business in Boston, Harrison Clark flew to Carlisle and settled in the Newport Beach villa.