Chapter 406: The Conditioned Reflex of Civilization (4000 words, seeking monthly votes)_2

Harrison Clark agreed, "Rainer, your concern is quite reasonable. But this planning project, which was made in the 31st century, is not the work of me alone. At least hundreds of thousands of top scientists worked around it, and at least millions of ordinary scholars participated in the revision and editing. In order to exhaust countless possibilities, scholars a thousand years later also mobilized nearly one-third of the computing power of 31st-century super quantum intelligence Star, conducted intensive calculations for three months, and finally came up with this booklet."

"What I just said about perfect execution is not actually about every single point. This is actually a fuzzy algorithm, and any major change in direction can be temporarily abandoned and left to civilization to develop on its own. But civilization will always self-correct some obvious mistakes, and when things get back on track, some previously unexecutable strategies can be implemented again."