Chapter 410: The Future of Science Fiction_1

After recognizing Harrison Clark, Leonard Lewis, the mixed-race young man of Pacifican descent, suddenly blushed behind his glasses.

"Are... Are you Mr. Harrison Clark?"

Harrison nodded expressionlessly, "Yes. What about it? Do you know me?"

"Oh my God! How could I not know you!"

Leonard suddenly covered his mouth, and began to weep with excitement, choking on his words, "I... I... I'm sorry, I'm too excited. Last month, my teacher and I were involved in some partial verification work on your Conjectures. I really... I really admire you! I'm sorry, I really can't control my emotions. I never thought I could meet you here. I... I..."

Mr. Clark looked up to the sky.

He thought to himself.

Such a simple and lovely young man.

How could...

I've sinned!

Treated with such adoration by the author he plagiarized, who happened to be the most outstanding sci-fi writer of the past century, Mr. Clark felt a mix of emotions.

Wait a second?

This isn't the first time.