Chapter 414: For The Sake of Reproduction, Without Losing Face (5500 words, additional update)_1

"Harrison Clark?"

Carrie Thomas called out from downstairs, but no one answered.

The spacious villa's lobby was so vacant, one could even hear the echo.

"Where is he?"

Carrie muttered to herself as she went upstairs, just to find a big suitcase by the master bedroom's door.

She knew that was Harrison's luggage.

Harrison only returned to Carlisle today, ostensibly to show North America Branch Company's business to Europe's fat man.

But Carrie knew that today was the day of time travel, so she felt that, in reality, this guy just wanted to be closer to her before each trip, even if he would never admit it.

Actions speak louder than words; it was the standard for successful men.

Carrie chuckled sweetly.

She could feel that, out of everyone, Harrison cared the most about her.

Maybe it was because of feelings, or perhaps it was because of Morning Wind.

Did it matter why he cared?

Not really.

What mattered was the fact itself.