Chapter 415: Have I Failed? (5200 words, seeking monthly votes and subscriptions)_2

These people had tightly bound his heart and future together, making them inseparable.

He was no longer purely a 21st-century person; he would be more desperate, fearful, anxious, and guilty than any of the subjects in the Oxford Professor's questionnaire.

Others' doomsday was hypothetical, but his was real.

He couldn't afford to be indifferent to something that didn't concern him, which is why he was in pain.

He would always think that despite so many people, generation after generation of struggle and effort, they would still have to face the doomsday when their vitality is completely cut off.

Everyone would die – all of them would be mercilessly erased from existence.

Despite our best efforts.

But our enemies are too strong, and behind them lies an unimaginable force.

What...what can I do?

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I've let everyone down.

This time...I failed in my time travel!

Sometimes, having a good memory and not being able to forget is a great sorrow.