Chapter 416: Striving for Oneself is More Important Than Anything Else (4800 words, seeking monthly votes and subscriptions)_1

"Fatty, listen to me."

In the headquarters office of Summit Ventures North America Branch Company, Harrison Clark crossed his arms, looking at Ward Owen, who still had some dark circles under his eyes.

Ward Owen nodded, "Master, you say, I'm listening."

"You have to change your mindset. We're not striving to satisfy others, nor are we striving to avoid disappointing others."

Building your struggle on the expectations of others, or on being remembered in history, is more likely to make you fall into despair.

Change your thinking, strive for yourself, only seek the perfect realization of your self-worth, and then you will have a clear conscience, regretless life.

Having a clear conscience and a regretless life may sound simple but, throughout history, few people can truly say they have achieved this.

The so-called 'clear conscience'.

First, you must question your heart.