Chapter 417: The Lonely Traveler in Time and Space_1

Gazing into the distance, an endless vast grassland sprawled before him.

Green trees covered the grassland like a lush carpet, with dense shrubs and bushes occasionally scattered, and the interspersed patches of lakes were like random chess pieces on a Pente board.

The morning sun pierced through the blue sky and white clouds, casting a shimmering light on these lakes, making the fish leap and create splashing sounds.

In the distance near the horizon on the grassland, a herd of horses could be vaguely seen, looking exceptionally content.

Suddenly, a roar was heard, and a ferocious tiger leaped out from a nearby pit.

The tiger had a round face and a round belly, as if it were a pregnant female.

The horses thundered away in all directions, trying to escape.

Hooves churned the grass, and dirt flew about.

The giant tiger, at least seven meters long, didn't let its swollen belly hinder its speed. In the blink of an eye, it caught up with a robust horse,