Chapter 420: Fake Social Death

In the 31st century of the Eighth Timeline, most human settlements had a large population, so cities on Earth were sparsely distributed. The distance between a city and another large city could be thousands of kilometers, with vast empty spaces and fields in between.

Although there were Quark Devices, people still maintained a basic psychological need for natural crops.

However, in the 26th century of this timeline, perhaps due to the large population on Earth or the fact that people hadn't fully formed the habit of living in large urban settlements, Harrison Clark would always come across towns of varying sizes along the way.

The larger cities could accommodate at least 10 million people, while the smaller ones had a population of several hundred thousand.

Together with the constant encounters with shipwrecks along the way, these things seriously affected his speed in approaching Oxfordshire. A half-day's journey took him six days to complete.