Chapter 422: One Piece of Information After Another [Thanks to the Timely Alliance Leader Lao You Zi]

Oxfordshire did not disappoint him.

Indeed, it was a mega city.

After taking a quick tour around the city, Harrison Clark initially estimated that Oxfordshire's population must have been over 300 million.

The area of the urban center covered nearly 4,000 square kilometers.

The buildings were not densely arranged, nor were they tall.

Apart from the collapsed residential high-rises, the height of most structures did not exceed one kilometer.

However, the buildings were all massive, covering dozens or even hundreds of acres each.

After a quick look, Harrison was overjoyed.

He found many destroyed machines among these large structures and even discovered a Super Calculation Center.

Harrison speculated that this time Oxfordshire served as both an industrial manufacturing center and a scientific center, which suited his needs.

First, according to his memory, he found the Chesterton Apartment and settled there.