Chapter 424: A Love Song Brings Me Back to Reality_1

Sergey's face suddenly appeared, completely disrupting Harrison Clark's train of thought.

He specifically spent three days to re-verify and finally confirmed that Sergey was indeed the ultimate target for almost all animal aggression instincts.

Moreover, the targeting strength had not diminished at all in five hundred years.

This left Harrison Clark at a complete loss.

Is Sergey still alive?

Theoretically, it's impossible.

Even his own lifespan had not exceeded three hundred years, and there was no reason for Sergey to have lived longer.

Did Sergey not die in that calamity, but instead survived to the present through cryogenic freezing?

Harrison Clark thought this was impossible too.

In the Eighth Timeline, he had seen a virtually complete 31st-century human civilization.

All kinds of black technologies emerged endlessly, such as the Planting Battleship and antimatter Mars Power Storage.

However, one technology had not been broken through.