Chapter 426: A Lonelier Wait【7400-word Super Large Chapter】_1

Hammersley Ridge is located in the southwest of the Australian continent, bordering the ocean, covering a vast area and stretching for 260 kilometers.

The mountain range is crisscrossed with tall peaks and deep ravines.

Over a thousand years ago, this place used to be an essential iron ore base, providing more than 80% of Aukland's iron ore.

At that time, the vegetation in Hammersley Ridge was sparse, with only some tenacious meadows struggling to grow.

But now, although the landscape remains unchanged, the vegetation has changed dramatically.

The upper part of the mountains is covered with thick vines that reach hundreds of meters in length.

The vines are like dragons, the broad leaves resembling fans, the stems with diameters ranging from one meter to several meters in width.

Fine roots are densely poking into the ground from different parts of the vines, like centipede legs.

The vines intertwine with each other, covering the peaks, dominating the ecosystem.