Chapter 429: The Shadow of Salvation, the Destined Loneliness in Old Age【1】

The main difference between this Star Summit Research Institute and the past is that Harrison Clark had pre-arranged the deployment of three new materials in Area 52, as well as more emphasis on biology and medicine.

In addition to the past material and energy technologies, he further leveraged his academic standing to recruit many talented young, middle-aged, and veteran people in biology and medicine, and had reinforced the research institute's expertise in these two fields to the utmost degree.

In frontier cutting-edge technology research, in addition to needing people, it also requires money.

This money cannot be a small amount, as even a small research item would require astronomical expenses.

Some scholars calculated that in the early 20th century, to invent a technology that could change human habits in a certain field, at least the annual living expenses of a hundred thousand people were required.