Chapter 436: Gains and Losses_1

Three hours later, Harrison Clark woke up on time due to the electric shock.

The amount of information that Scarlett captured during these three hours far exceeded Harrison's imagination.

With Scarlett's current performance, it would be impossible to process all of it.

For every second of information flowing through the external quantum network, Scarlett would need at least 100,000 seconds to complete a preliminary interpretation.

Fortunately, it seems that Scarlett had gained something from reading Harrison's memories, and perhaps the fact that its power core had been equipped with a large number of rechargeable ZS biological batteries, such as snake gall bladder, tiger tail, and wolf fang, had also imbued it with a touch of wisdom; it vaguely mastered a unique skill.

This unique skill was to quickly skim through information, extract key points, and put aside what wasn't understood while focusing on the important matters.